Personal Profile:
We are all Watchdogs in our own way. Many of us are aware of what is happening in the world around us.
Let me tell you what makes the difference...
What makes the difference in our reality, is those who choose to do something about the things they see. Many will just observe and witness destruction and chaos, they do nothing about it but observe or even at times, they themselves become part of the problem.
Then, there are those who take action to prevent such things from taking place, the ones who are the peacekeepers of their establishment. Their focus is on seeking out liabilities and situations that could unfold. In the event something takes place, they are proactive with their readiness to respond. You can literally see the action taking place.
Here's another thing I will point out:
The thought of having security is nice, but actually having it and doing what needs to be done to fully preserve the intended flow of the environment isn't just something to shrug off. Security is a continuous time investment, not just a convenience to put on somebody else. You know your situation better than anyone, help us to help you.
You can't spell DONE without the DO, otherwise you don't get anything accomplished. Take action, THEN, witness the outcome of the situation. The clock is ticking!

Watchdogs Security
August 2021 – Present
Director Of Security:
As the owner and operator of Watchdogs Security, it is the Director’s responsibility to
organize and assemble the company with trial-and-error processes that eventually
transition to the highest quality of security services provided. This includes licensing,
budgeting, equipment acquisition, hiring and training procedures, client relationships,
and various other administrative tasks that support the overall function of the business.
Colorado Mental Health Institute of Pueblo (CMHIP)
March 2018 – October 2020
Correctional Officer:
In this role, it is the Correctional Officer’s responsibility to ensure that security protocols
were demonstrated effectively for the continued operation of Colorado’s State Hospital.
This included internal and external perimeter checks, patient monitoring / de-escalation
tactics, staff and patient escorts, camera monitoring, contraband searches, and various
other duties as assigned by the Correctional leadership.
Community Corrections
November 2016 – March 2018
Security Supervisor:
In this role, it is the Security Supervisor’s responsibility to oversee and assist team
members with daily security tasks such as accountability checks, room inspections, drug
testing inmates in the halfway house, report writing, and tracking daily movement of
grounds activities.

We Want Our Clients And Community To Know That, We Intend To Change The Stigma Of Security And Shed A New Light On How Something Seemingly Small Can Help In A Big Way. I Started This Business To Grow And Become Something I Myself Can Be Proud Of. When You Hear The Name Watchdogs, I Want You To Know That Whatever The Task, We Are Qualified And Capable Of Achieving The Best Possible Outcome For All Parties Involved. We Strive To Accomplish Any Task Asked Of Us, And Look Forward To Establishing Repour With Our Clients.